Gurgaon Citizen Council

Formed in 2005, Gurgaon Citizens' Council is an umbrella organization that has provided a platform to residents' welfare associations (RWAs), condominium associations of apartments, mercantile associations of commercial complexes, and citizens individually to come together to tackle all the issues facing the millennium city.

The ambit of operation of Gurgaon Citizens' Council covers multiple areas such as i) electricity, (ii) water, (iii) transport, (iv) roads, (v) traffic, (vi) law & order, (vii) sewage & sanitation (viii) urban development policy (ix) development of villages & economically weaker sections (EWS) Policy (x) education (xi) postal services & communications (xi) culture (xii) sports & youth welfare (xii) environment, and in all respects all other facilities which the people are entitled to enjoy as citizens of India and residents of Gurgaon.

The Council has taken up vigorously the question of dual taxation, which is the levy of maintenance charges by private licensed builders and the simultaneous demand of house-tax by Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG) at a time when neither are builders applying for final completion certificates nor is MCG taking over the private colonies. We have also evolved a comprehensive plan for the supply and distribution of water, and the implementation of several of our suggestions related to it has resulted in drastic relief in several areas. Similarly, we have maintained a constant follow up on all crucial matters.